We lift the names of those asking for prayer, with thanksgiving for the healing already being received:
Amanda (Debbie Krueger’s daughter), Artemas, Don & Jennifer (Janet Nicholls’ friends), Julie Ashton, Emily Bellardo, Mona Blackburn, Tim Breen, Candelaria Castaneda (friend of Bill Davidson), Carol Christensen, the Conway family, Paige Finn, Kirstin Glaser-Noll, Ellen Haffner, Jacqueline Harding, Karen Jacobs, Jerry Johnson, Miles Keep, the King-Lindblom family, Debbie Krueger, Phebe L. and her family, Doris Lippett and family, Diane Mazuera’s father, Bill & Terri Michel, Mary Ann Michel, Mehri Namdarian, Rev. Doug and Ellie Norris, Nancy Olson, Joanne Perry, the Rudko family in Lviv, Ukraine, Susil Sadanandam, Sheeba Shahid, the Sherlock family, Bernice Smoll, Emilie Sweet, Linda Suzuki, Cynthia (friend of Kathy Rose), Dick Tingey, Patty Tomko, Allen Wood
Those who are in need of ongoing prayer:
Emmanuel Ballesteros, Mona Blackburn, Tim Breen, Carol Carpenter, Rene Dupaloc, Jerry Johnson, Julie Lopez, Joan Perry, the Rudko family in Lviv, Ukraine
If you would like to be added to the prayer list or receive the prayers of a pastor, please email the church office at info@firstpaloalto.com.