What does it mean to tell the GOOD NEWS through the stories of women who are relegated to the margins of scripture and often referred to as bad? Did you know that the bible mentions over one hundred and eleven women? Can you name them? Our traditional androcentric lectionaries don’t tell their stories. What would these women’s stories have to say to us today if they were told? Would they strengthen our viewpoint of women, trans, and nonbinary individuals and their divinity, leadership and agency? Reverend Wilda Gafney believes so and poignantly addresses these points in her text.
According to Gafney “Androcentrism, sexism and misogyny in the scriptures, in their translation, and in their preaching and liturgical use hurt men and boys and non-binary children and adults as much as they do women and girls. Exclusively masculine language constructs and reinforces the notion that men are the proper image of God and women are secondary and distant. Further, the simple reality that men and boys have always heard their gender identified with God cannot be overlooked as a source of power and authority in terms of their place in the divine household and economy. Many if not most women and girls have not heard themselves identified by their gender as and with the divine, and for those who have that experience it has been profoundly moving, rare, and even sometimes profoundly disturbing.” Journey with me as we see the biblical narrative through a matrilineal genealogy and translation where God’s name and references in the original Hebrew translations is both male and female.
Gafney teaches us through the women’s lectionary a new way to experience the gospel of Jesus Christ. Please join us March 6, 9:00-10:00 a.m. via Zoom to begin our new Bible study and Lenten study using A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church, Year W. Please purchase the text at your usual bookseller. Invite your friends!
ZOOM REGISTRATION: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMtf-CuqzMjE9D8htjgugEPkcAbb68O39Sf
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