Sundays February 16th through April 6th
7 PM in Kohlstedt Hall and on Zoom
Please join us for the upcoming 2025 Foreign Policy Discussion Series. These sessions will be in-person AND virtual via Zoom. Zoom registration information will be sent out in early February. You are welcome to attend any or all sessions.
You need not be a foreign policy expert to attend; just bring an open and eager mind. Newcomers and guests are welcome!
Registering on Zoom
Registration is required to attend any Great Decisions session via Zoom. One registration will cover all the sessions.
You will be taken to a page where you can enter your contact info. You will receive a confirmation e-mail with a meeting ID and password. Please make a note of those. You will need them for each session.
2025 Topics and Workbook:
· American Foreign Policy at a Crossroads
· U.S. Changing Leadership of the World Economy
· U.S.-China Relations
· India: Between China, the West, and the Global South
· International Cooperation on Climate Change
· The Future of NATO and European Security
· AI and American National Security
· American Foreign Policy in the Middle East: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead
Find a short summary of the topics listed above here.
The topics are covered in the Great Decisions workbook prepared by the independent and non-partisan Foreign Policy Association. It is not necessary to purchase or read the workbook, but if you want to do so, order one from the Foreign Policy Association website.
Information about the topic for each evening and the discussion leaders will be posted and circulated closer to the start of the series and repeated during the week before the session.